Devolviendo al planeta que nos provee
El viaje para crear Happy Elephant comenzó siguiendo unos pasos gigantes hasta llegar a una escena desalentadora. Encontramos un elefante con la trompa herida atrapado en una trampa artificial en las exuberantes selvas de Borneo. La trampa se colocó para evitar que los elefantes perturbaran una plantación de palmeras, cultivadas para cosechar el aceite de palma que se utiliza en muchos jabones. Este gran descubrimiento nos impulsó a emprender acciones aún más grandes.
Green Corridor Initiative
Our partnership with the Borneo Conservation Trust created the Green Corridor Initiative to combat deforestation. The program purchases, and preserves, large tracts of land along the Kinabatangan River, creating accessible pathways for flora and fauna to continue to thrive. Ten parcels of land have already been purchased, with many more to come.
Every Happy Elephant purchase helps contribute to the initiative, letting you get clean while letting wildlife thrive!
A step in the right direction
The practice of creating palm tree plantations has led to deforestation throughout the incredibly biodiverse region of Borneo. Primarily to sell palm oils to worldwide manufacturers of cleaning products.
We wanted to do our part in giving back to these lands that give us so much. All palm oils used in Happy Elephant products are sustainably sourced, creating a better planet for all. And as we continue to grow, we'll continue seeking more ways to protect these majestic lands
Post Consumer Recycled Materials
All bottles are created from recycled materials in order to reduce waste.
Proceeds Towards Borneo Conservation Trust
The Borneo Conservation Trust was founded to help protecting the lush jungles of Borneo. We’ve committed to donating 1% of sales to help the cause.
Iniciativa de Corredores Verdes
En colaboración con Borneo Conservation Trust, estamos ayudando a crear corredores verdes en todo Borneo para preservar los patrones migratorios de animales como elefantes y orangutanes.
Ingrediente fácilmente biodegradable
A diferencia de los productos de limpieza comunes a base de petróleo, Soforo es de origen vegetal y fácilmente biodegradable, lo que ayuda aún más a preservar nuestras tierras.
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