Para una mente, cuerpo y alma más limpios.
No limpiamos por lo que pasó, limpiamos por lo que está por venir: fiestas, aventuras y todo lo demás. Mantener las cosas limpias y frescas te ayuda a afrontar lo que te depare la aventura del mañana.
Para ayudar, utilizamos Soforo para mantenerte a ti y a la Tierra felices. Estamos construyendo Borneo para asegurar que los recursos que tanto nos dan estén aquí para las generaciones futuras. Y estamos aprovechando cada día. Porque a pesar de todos los altibajos de la vida, cada momento aquí es motivo de celebración.
Our Beginning
In 2004, we encountered an elephant with an injured trunk in a man made trap. This spurred us to dig deeper, discovering the natural palm oil ingredient used in many cleaning products has led to devastating deforestation to the bio-diverse lands of Borneo.
It’s impossible to learn about this without action, so we founded Happy Elephant. Simply creating Soforo, our readily biodegradable ingredient, wasn’t enough. We had to ensure the ingredients were sustainably sourced. But that’s not enough either. We partnered with the Borneo Conservation trust to create Green Corridors for migratory animals, and are committed to donating 1% of total sales to the cause.
Because if you enjoy the world, you’ll do everything in your power to help it thrive.
Our Roots
Saraya, our parent company, was founded over 70 years ago. It developed products rooted in sustainability long before the practice became trendy. Happy Elephant is the natural continuation of the dedication to a cleaner planet; presenting an eco-friendly alternative for those in North America.
So it’s only natural for us to be proud advocates of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. These strive to ensure the planet is equitable for all, without causing irreparable harm to it. Happy Elephant is a continuation of Saraya’s journey and vision, with new, unique products proudly building a new path on the strong legacy laid before us.
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